Prof. Dr. Thomas Gellrich

Professor Gellrich is a doctor of business management. After working for KPMG Consulting, he was director and member of the second management level at Commerzbank AG from 2006 to 2012. Since 2012, Prof. Dr. Gellrich has worked for goetzpartners strategy consulting in the area of financial institutions and restructuring, and he chairs a professorship for finance at ISM – International School of Management.

Dr. Joachim Reiff
Rep. Chairman

Dr. Reiff is a doctor of laws. He is a lawyer, specialist in labour law, and a partner at westendLaw in Frankfurt am Main, a law firm that is specialised in commercial law.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Lars Heinert

Professor Heinert is a doctor of physics. From 2000 to 2006, he was the general manager of a company for building automation. In 2006, Prof. Heinert decided to provide his services to universities. At Münster Technical University, he accepted a professorship for measurement, control, and regulation technology. Since 2010, Prof. Dr. Heinert Dekan is also at the THM in Friedberg.

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